American continent and country
We always hear from the TV
or conversation with the U.S. tourists that they introduce themselves as an
American. America is actually a continent that is situated between Atlantic and
Pacific Ocean. The continent includes the United State of America, Canada and
South America. But people from the U.S. always introduce themselves as American
while Canadian and South American do not even they come from the same
continent. It is confusing and seems overpowering for some because a country
calls them as America continent.
However, the use of America to address the U.S. is to simplify and ease so it
is easy to say.
Picture of American continent and country

American continent name was first used to refer South America that
was found by Amerigo Vespucci. He called it Amerigen meaning the land of
Americus (Amerigo Vespucci’s Latin version is Americus Vespuccius) or America.
In Modern English, South America and North America is considered as two
separated continents. They are called Americas if they are addressed together
as plural word. However, when they are conceived as one continent, they are
addressed America as singular. But if there is no contextual clarifying,
America refers to the United State of America. So, the use of American or
America is just as simplified and easiness.